Music Ideas for Toddlers

Using Rainbows and Sunshine's Complementing Products

Rainbows and Sunshine produces books with the matching songs included; audio songs; our 15-song album; animated song-videos which tell song-stories, teach concepts or are action, dance or movement song-videos. Four of these animations bring the matching “books with songs” to life; and we also have character toys which match the Rainbows and Sunshine recurring animals featured in these products; together with complementary support material for using these products to provide maximum “learning through fun”.

There are sequential learning opportunities with our themed products. Firstly, from newborn, through the baby and toddler stages, families use our books with the songs included (CD and mp3 download), audio songs and the plush toy cow. This encourages bonding between parents and child, and because they are multi-sensory, they simultaneously engage areas of the brain involved in cognition, intellect, listening, sight, speech, movement, touch, imagination, creativity, and emotions.

At the next developmental stage, usually from 2 years, the matching animation videos are used to bring these books and songs to life. And the character toys are now also integrated into the theme in a more interactive way. For early readers and parents, additional videos have the lyrics to the songs across the screen.

Whilst some of our songs and song-videos are stories to encourage imagination, many of the songs and accompanying song-videos are action, creative movement, or dance songs, and these encourage skills of following cues, co-ordination, gross and fine motor skills, language through interactive involvement, and the senses of sight, hearing, movement, and kinaesthetic development – learning through following cues and instructions, and doing.

From 3 years onwards, the finger puppets representing these recurring story-characters add a further dimension through play, simultaneously encouraging learning in the areas of hands-on creativity, story-telling, fine and gross motor skills, language, kinaesthetic and tactile senses.

Everything is designed for the child to grow with this fun-based sequential learning using the multi-sensory, matching themed products, introduced at the appropriate developmental stage. The combination of the hands-on product, integrated with digital product, means that children can explore their own creativity and imagination for ongoing brain stimulation, develop the varied senses and build neural pathways for cognition.

In sum, our products range in suitability starting from newborns to age 7, and offer fun and multi-sensory experiences, plus learning opportunities for intellectual concepts e.g., colours, counting, addition, subtraction, learning words in foreign languages, child humour, creative movement, and dance. Each has been carefully designed to nurture brain and cognitive development, provide variety, social involvement and interaction for the parent and child, and can be used in an age-specific manner for children’s developmental stages.

We provide tips and ideas for our products so adults learn how to be involved, bond through the “play and learn” experience, and show the different ways the product can be used from birth to age 7, using fun learning, giving kids multiple ways to make connections, have different sensory experiences and learn concepts. It is education through fun engagement at many levels; they are ‘play and learn’ experiences.

The important aspect of our products is that they bring “traditional” play experiences such as books, music and experiential toys into the digital age through an integration of hands-on products and complementing auditory, visual and kinaesthetic digital material that reflects the expectations, needs, and relevance of parents and children today. It is an all-round, total sensory awareness approach to benefit children's development using fun play experiences.

Thank You!

To all the people who support Rainbows and Sunshine by sponsoring, partnering, giving time and expertise, or volunteering – thank you for helping this program of donating quality children’s products to children who are sick or disadvantaged. Your support enables these ongoing gifts and ‘Spreading the Joy’ to kids-in-need.